Metered Power Billing, Because We Understand

By Tim Mandell and Crystal J. Milburn

The most powerful statement in the English language is “I understand” and we really do understand what you’re up against when making the decision to become a miner, where to host and so on. One of the toughest aspects of the decision to play in the crypto space is the ever-fluctuating market conditions and how to remain profitable through the ups and downs. 

We’ve been hosting cryptocurrency since 2015 so we’ve seen the market cycle enough to know that it can be a rollercoaster ride. When past market downturns caused our miners to inquire about turning their machines off, it was understandable since uptime equals money. Thanks to their inquiries, we’ve responded in a way that we think works for everyone. Now, you can respond to market conditions and feel good about your investment 24/7/365!. 

Metered Power Billing: Only Pay for the Electricity Used

Modeled after data center billing, you pay a base rate for hosting (this covers our infrastructure, power, clean air, network, etc.) and a pass-through cost on our electricity rate. You get the lowest power rate (.06 cents in Iowa at today’s rates) and the flexibility to turn your miners off either when the market is down or if your machine is temporarily not hashing at 100%.  

The old way of doing things was (and still is for many) to pay a flat rate per kW no matter what! But we know it’s not unlike a hash board to go down temporarily and we feel you shouldn’t be financially responsible for paying for power when they’re down. Metered billing is more favorable for the miner because you’re only paying for the electricity used. Now, mining at a loss because you know those coins will increase in value becomes your choice rather than your obligation.

How Is It Tracked?

The same software that allows you to view and access your miners also creates power reports. So, the same report you see in your Prospector View dashboard is exactly how we bill you. 

In addition to providing you with transparency, flexibility and savings, it allows us to remain profitable and viable. This is what you want so we can stay in business and host your miners. For more information, contact Tim Mandell at (309) 945-3369 or


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