Renewable Energy in the Data Center World

Renewable Energy = Price Stability

Since wind and sun are free, price volatility is greatly reduced when a higher percentage of renewable energy is used versus using straight fossil fuel. Renewable energy is environmentally and socially responsible, cost-effective and cost reliable. It plays a critical role in keeping Iowa's rates among the lowest in the country, which has a positive effect on the data center world (and your budget) when you mine with DC Mining.

From 83.6% to 100% Renewable Energy

We’re happy to report that MidAmerican Energy (our power supplier) generates power from 83.6%* renewable sources as of 2020. That’s a 22% increase from 2019! Moreover, they are pursuing a 100% renewable energy vision in order to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions in the future. Their continued increases will come from additional wind energy and newly added solar energy. 

Giving (Power) Back to the Community

And, we know that renewables aren’t going away (EVs, electric lawnmowers, etc.), which means that we’ll have to start producing three times more power than we’re producing today in order to keep up with it. The good news is that MidAmerican Energy’s emergency curtailment program allows us (and you) to give power back to the grid during extremely rare times of need without compromising your 99% uptime guarantee. Doing the right thing is our thing.

Our Future Together

For all of these reasons, we feel good about building and maintaining a sustainably responsible data center and we want to pass that goodness (and savings) on to you! We welcome a conversation about it or you can stay tuned for our upcoming vlog for more information. 

*MidAmerican worked with the Iowa Utilities Board to create the GreenAdvantage® program to verify their annual production of energy delivered to customers from clean, renewable sources – such as wind – as a percentage of total energy production. On June 14, 2021, the Iowa Utilities Board verified that 83.6% of the electricity delivered to their customers came from renewable sources for the year 2020.

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