Terms & Conditions


  • Article I – General..2 

  • Article II – Payment..2 

  • Article III – Term..3 

  • Article IV – Suspension of Service; Default..4 

  • Article V – Limitation of Liability; Indemnification..5 

  • Article VI – Force Majeure..6 

  • Article VII – Miscellaneous Provisions..6 

  • Article VIII –Insurance Requirement..7 

  • Article IX –License to use space and power..8 

  • Article X –Onboarding..8 

  • Article XI – Locations..8 

  • Article XII – Outage Credits..9 

  • Article XIII – Schedule of Services Table..9 

  • Article XIV – Decommissioning..10 

  • Article XV – Disclaimers..10 2 | P a g e 

DC MINING, LLC, Miner Hosting Subscription Service 

Terms & Conditions of Service Order 

DC Mining, LLC, an Iowa based limited liability company, referred to as “COMPANY” in this Terms & Conditions document is pleased to host cryptocurrency / digital currency mining equipment for ______________________________, referred to as “CUSTOMER” in this document, at our hosting facility. This document governs the terms, conditions, rights, and responsibilities of accepting the hosting services as a CUSTOMER of COMPANY. COMPANY’S obligations to CUSTOMER under this agreement are contingent and conditioned upon CUSTOMER complying with all applicable terms, conditions, and responsibilities outlined in this document at all times

Article I – General 

1. CUSTOMER may request COMPANY provide a Service by submitting a service order in a form provided by COMPANY from time to time (“Service Order”) in accordance with the procedures set forth in this Agreement. CUSTOMER acknowledges and agrees that CUSTOMER is solely responsible for the accuracy of all Service Orders and other information that it provides to COMPANY. Each accepted Service Order shall incorporate by reference, and shall be subject to, the terms and conditions of this document. CUSTOMER acknowledges COMPANY may change Terms & Conditions of service from time to time without prior notice. 

2. Service Orders shall clearly set forth the term, pricing, service type and location(s), monthly recurring charge (“MRC”), non-recurring charge (“NRC”), and any additional specific terms for the Services. All Service Orders shall be subject to availability and acceptance by COMPANY. 

3. In the event of a conflict between the service order and COMPANY’s Terms & Conditions of Service, the language in the Service Order shall take precedence over the language of the Terms & Conditions of Service. 

Article II – Payment 

1. Unless otherwise agreed in the service order, CUSTOMER will provide two (2) months’ of monthly recurring revenue (MRR) as a refundable reservation fee for access to COMPANY’s subscription suite of services. The reservation fee may be forfeited in the event of CUSTOMER default or early termination. CUSTOMER will receive monthly invoices for the service as described in Article II ¶ 3 below. 

2. Unless otherwise agreed in the service order, CUSTOMER shall be billed per kilowatts (“kW”) per month, as described in the service order. 

3. COMPANY will provide CUSTOMER with a monthly itemized invoice, in advance, for the Services together with all other charges due. CUSTOMER’s payments are due on or before the 1st of each month during which the CUSTOMER requests COMPANY perform its obligations under this agreement. Invoice amounts not paid on or before the Due Date shall bear interest at the rate of one and one-half percent (1.5%) per month or the highest lawful rate, whichever is lower. 

4. In the event of a billing dispute, CUSTOMER must immediately notify COMPANY as to the nature and extent of the alleged billing discrepancy. Failure to dispute some or all of an invoice within ten (10) days from the date of receipt constitutes a waiver of CUSTOMER dispute rights. 

5. CUSTOMER is responsible for the accuracy of the service order as it relates to the amount of kW necessary to power CUSTOMER’s cryptocurrency mining equipment. CUSTOMER’s bill will be for the total number of kW reserved in the service order, regardless of whether CUSTOMER actually uses the full amount of kW reserved. COMPANY reserves the right to monitor CUSTOMER’s electricity usage to ensure overdraws do not occur. If CUSTOMER’s equipment overdraws the proposed service order, COMPANY shall have the right, in its sole discretion, to adjust the service order to reflect the actual quantity of power drawn by CUSTOMER’s equipment, for which payment is due and owing in CUSTOMER’s subsequent invoices following the overdraw. 

6. In the event CUSTOMER draws more kW than reserved in the applicable service order, additional kW will be billed at the rate identified in the service order. COMPANY is not obligated to provide CUSTOMER with more power than CUSTOMER reserves in the service order, without first receiving additional funds from CUSTOMER. Notwithstanding the foregoing, COMPANY, in its sole discretion, may elect to provide more kW to CUSTOMER than has been reserved by CUSTOMER’s service order. 

7. CUSTOMER payment shall be considered a valid form of acceptance and consent to COMPANY’s miner hosting services, as well as the Terms & Conditions of COMPANY’s services. CUSTOMER payment is also an acknowledgment that CUSTOMER has read this Terms & Conditions document, and has had the opportunity to review it will any legal or other professional of CUSTOMER’s choosing prior to executing service order. CUSTOMER’s signed service order, this Terms & Conditions document, and payment of the refundable reservation fee, constitute a valid, binding, enforceable contract given in mutual consideration between CUSTOMER and COMPANY. 

8. CUSTOMER shall be responsible for all charges and fees related to shipping CUSTOMER’s equipment to COMPANY’s facilities and for all charges and fees related to shipping CUSTOMER’s equipment back to CUSTOMER. COMPANY does not agree to be the ultimate consignee of CUSTOMER’s equipment for purposes of charging COMPANY customs fees, excise charges, border taxes, or any other fees related to the shipping of CUSTOMER’s equipment. COMPANY does not and will not agree to pay customs fees, excise charges, border taxes, or any other fees related to the shipping of CUSTOMER’s equipment in to or out of the United States of America or any other country in the world, under any circumstance. 

Article III – Term 

1. Unless otherwise agreed in the service order, CUSTOMER’s initial subscription term shall be 24 months. 

2. If CUSTOMER does not renew before expiration of the service order, CUSTOMER shall be on a month-to-month subscription until executing a new service order. COMPANY may decline to renew month-to-month subscriptions in its sole discretion, any time, with or without notice. 

3. In the event CUSTOMER terminates service prior to completion of the Service Term, CUSTOMER shall pay an early termination fee equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the Monthly Recurring 

Charge (MRC) due for months one through twenty-four (1-24), and seventy-five percent (75%) for months twenty-five (25) or more and any unpaid installation fees or Non-Recurring Charge (NRC), plus any costs and expenses incurred to terminate the Service. 

4. CUSTOMER failure to comply with all applicable terms, conditions and responsibilities outlined in this document shall be immediate grounds for COMPANY to terminate CUSTOMER’s service temporarily or permanently with or without notice. 

Article IV – Suspension of Service; Default 

1. CUSTOMER Default events include:

a. Non-payment;

b. Failure to carry appropriate Certificate of Insurance or sign the additional waiver form;

c. Initiating or having initiated proceedings seeking liquidation or reorganization pursuant to bankruptcy, insolvency or other similar law;

d. Failure to pay shipping fees, or fees related to shipping, including, but not limited to, import/export duties, customs fees, border taxes, or any other fee related to shipping CUSTOMER’s equipment to and from DC MINING, LLC;

e. CUSTOMER failure to provide mining equipment within 30 days after CUSTOMER’s scheduled start date; or

f. Failure to abide by any terms and conditions or responsibilities of utilizing DC MINING’s miner hosting services.

2. In the event CUSTOMER defaults, COMPANY may immediately suspend or terminate CUSTOMER’s service without notice unless or until CUSTOMER remedies the default to COMPANY’s satisfaction. In the event COMPANY suspends or terminates CUSTOMER’s service for any reason other than non-payment, COMPANY shall be obligated to provide CUSTOMER an opportunity to remedy the default within ten (10) days of receiving notice of default from COMPANY. 

3. In the event of default for non-payment, COMPANY shall have the right to retain and use CUSTOMER’s mining equipment for COMPANY’s own profit and gain until CUSTOMER has paid all outstanding invoice liabilities. COMPANY is not required to return any coins mined while using CUSTOMER’s equipment during a period of default. COMPANY is not required to credit coins mined using CUSTOMER’s equipment during a period of default attributable to CUSTOMER towards future CUSTOMER invoices. 

4. In the event of COMPANY default, or any other theory of recovery, CUSTOMER’s remedy and liquidated damages, if any, shall be solely limited to the interruption credits CUSTOMER may receive under Article XII of these Terms & Conditions. 

Article V – Limitation of Liability; Indemnification 

1. COMPANY shall not be liable for loss or damage occasioned by a Force Majeure Event and to the extent allowed by law, for injury to or death of any person and for damage to or loss of any property arising out of or attributable to its operations and performance under this Agreement. 

COMPANY total liability for any and all causes and claims whether based in contract, warranty, negligence or otherwise shall be limited to an amount equivalent to the total MRC received by COMPANY from CUSTOMER over the preceding three (3) months for the Service affected. No cause of action under any theory which accrued more than one (1) year prior to the filing of a complaint alleging such cause of action may be asserted by either Party against the other Party. 


3. CUSTOMER warrants to COMPANY that CUSTOMER will, at all times, utilize CUSTOMER’s mining equipment in a manner consistent with all applicable federal, state, and local, laws, regulations statutes, and administrative codes. CUSTOMER will indemnify and hold COMPANY harmless from any criminal or civil proceedings to which COMPANY becomes a party resulting from CUSTOMER’s utilization of COMPANY’s miner hosting services. 

4. Each Party shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless (“Indemnifying Party”) the other Party, its directors, officers, employees, and agents, successors, and assigns (“Indemnified Party”), from all damages, costs, expenses and liabilities, including reasonable attorney’s fees and disbursements, sustained in any action commenced by any third party in connection with the Indemnifying Party’s performance of, or failure to perform, its obligations and duties under this Agreement except for those damages, costs, expenses and liabilities arising from the negligence or willful misconduct of the Indemnified Party; provided, however, that COMPANY is not obligated to indemnify CUSTOMER, and CUSTOMER shall defend and indemnify COMPANY hereunder, for any claims by any third party, including Customer’s End Users, arising from services provided by CUSTOMER that incorporate any of the Services including but not limited to (a) violation of any applicable law by End User CUSTOMERs; (b) damage to property or personal injury (including death) arising out of the acts or omissions of End User CUSTOMERs; (c) termination or suspension of Services of CUSTOMER due to a CUSTOMER Default; or (d) claims by a third party, including without limitation End User CUSTOMERs, arising out of or related to the use or misuse of any Service. 

Article VI – Force Majeure 

1. Neither Party shall be liable for any failure of performance hereunder due to causes beyond its reasonable control including, but not limited to, acts of third parties not under the direction or actual control of the Party delayed or unable to perform, acts of God, fire, explosion, vandalism, cable cut, flood, storm, or other similar catastrophe, any law, order, regulation, direction, action or request of the government, or any department, agency, commission, court, or bureau of a government, or any civil or military authority, national emergency, insurrection, riot, war, strike, lockout, or work stoppage (each, a “Force Majeure Event”). The Party claiming relief under this Section shall notify the other Party of the occurrence or existence of the Force Majeure Event and of the termination of such event. 

Article VII – Miscellaneous Provisions 

1. This Agreement is subject to all applicable federal, state, and local laws, and regulations, rulings, and orders of governmental agencies. Either Party may terminate its obligations under this Agreement and/or a Service Schedule and/or a Service Order without liability if ordered to do so by the final order or ruling of a court or other governmental agency or if such order or ruling would make it impossible for either Party to carry out its obligations under this Agreement. 

2. This Agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance with, and the validity and performance hereof shall be governed by the laws of the State of Illinois. Disputes related to this matter requiring litigation shall be argued in the Cook County Circuit Court. In the event subject matter jurisdiction may only be achieved in federal court, then disputes shall be argued before the Northern District of Illinois. CUSTOMER forever waives any objections to personal jurisdiction or venue before the Cook County Circuit Court or the Northern District of Illinois in the event of litigation related to COMPANY and CUSTOMER pursuant to COMPANY’s business. CUSTOMER forever waives any right to mediation or arbitration under this Agreement. 

3. This Agreement does not create a partnership, joint venture or agency relationship between the COMPANY and CUSTOMER. Neither Party shall have any authority to bind the other Party to any agreement, understanding or other instrument, in any manner whatsoever. 

4. CUSTOMER shall not transfer or assign, voluntarily or by operation of law, its obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of COMPANY. 

5. Nothing in the service order, this terms and conditions sheet, or any practice of CUSTOMER or COMPANY’s, under the performance of this agreement shall be construed to have created a security, or any other asset, subject to SEC regulations and enforcement. COMPANY provides CUSTOMER with a subscription service suite of infrastructure amenities to support CUSTOMER’s cryptocurrency mining equipment. 

6. Nothing in this Service Order constitutes the creation of a landlord-tenant relationship between CUSTOMER and COMPANY. 

7. CUSTOMER is solely responsible for paying any and all applicable local, state and federal taxes related to CUSTOMER’s cryptocurrency mining activities. 

8. Notices shall be sent to: 


Attn: Robert J. Heiderscheidt, President 
12300 S. Keeler Ave. 
Alsip, IL 60803 
Email: rjh@mdiamerica.com 

Billing Disputes: 


Attn: Accounts Receivable 
12300 S. Keeler Ave. 
Alsip, IL 60803 


(Service Order address will be used unless otherwise indicated)

9. The representations, warranties, covenants, and agreements of the Parties set forth herein are not intended for, nor shall they be for the benefit of or enforceable by, any third party or person not a Party hereto, including without limitation, CUSTOMER’s end users. 

10. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the Parties relating to the rights, duties and obligations granted and assumed herein. Any prior agreements, promises, negotiations or representations regarding the subject matter hereof are of no force or effect. COMPANY reserves the right to alter the terms of this Terms and Conditions document without prior notice to CUSTOMER. 

11. In the event one or more provisions shall be severed or otherwise invalidated from this agreement by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions of this agreement shall remain in full force and effect. 

12. The service order may be executed in two or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. Any Service Orders may be executed via a recognized electronic signature service (e.g., Docusign) or may be delivered by facsimile transmission, or may be signed, scanned, and emailed to COMPANY, and any such signatures shall be treated as original signatures for all applicable purposes. 

Article VIII –Insurance Requirement 

1. Prior to onboarding, CUSTOMER must provide COMPANY with a valid Certificate of Insurance demonstrating:

a. General liability (premises liability) policy of $1M per Occurrence/ $2M Aggregate; and

b. $1M commercial umbrella policy and an additional insured endorsement naming COMPANY as an additional insured.

2. In its sole discretion, COMPANY may choose to waive the requirement in Article VIII ¶ 1, provided that CUSTOMER signs an additional DECLINATION OF INSURANCE ---- CLAIMS WAIVER document prior to onboarding. 

Article IX –License to Use Space and Power 

1. In consideration of and conditioned upon the timely payment of the fees and charges set forth in the applicable Service Order and subject to the terms and conditions of service, COMPANY hereby 8 | P a g e 

grants to CUSTOMER a license (the "License") to operate and maintain certain cryptocurrency mining equipment in certain portions of the Premises (the "Space"), all as more specifically described in the applicable Service Order; provided, however, that COMPANY retains the right to grant other licenses to CUSTOMER’s End Users within the Premises and to access the Space for any legitimate business purpose at any time. CUSTOMER's occupancy and use of the Space is and will be at all times subordinate to, and subject to all applicable terms and conditions of, COMPANY's right to use the Premises. The License does not convey any easement, leasehold or any other real or personal property interests in the Space or Premises and CUSTOMER has no ownership or other property rights as a tenant or otherwise in the Premises pursuant to this License. 

Article X – Onboarding 

1. After securing a license to utilize COMPANY’s Miner Hosting Service, CUSTOMER will receive an email introducing CUSTOMER to the appropriate contact on the COMPANY Tech Team. CUSTOMER will follow instructions and coordinate onboarding with the COMPANY Tech Team to ensure a smooth onboarding process. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, CUSTOMER onboarding shall occur in accordance with the terms of CUSTOMER’s applicable service order. 

2. CUSTOMER shall have the right to visit COMPANY’s Miner Hosting Facility where CUSTOMER’s equipment is running during regular business hours, Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm CST on 24 hours’ notice to COMPANY. Unless CUSTOMER has a private mining suite, CUSTOMER must be escorted on premises by COMPANY personnel while in any mining areas. CUSTOMERs with a private mining suite will be granted 24x7 key card access to the mining suite. 

3. COMPANY provides Helping Hands to CUSTOMER Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm CST in the following situations: power refresh, internet recycle. CUSTOMER may request Helping Hands outside of service hours. Helping Hands outside of service hours are billed per the service order and include the tech’s travel time to and from the site. Helping Hands requests are answered in the order in which they are received. 

Article XI – Locations 

1. COMPANY offers miner hosting services at multiple locations throughout the United States. 

CUSTOMER’s service order will designate the specific address where CUSTOMER’s miners will be hosted. 

Article XII – Interruption Credits 

1. In the event of service outage, CUSTOMER shall be entitled to interruption credits as more fully described in Article XIII. Provided, however, that any such interruption will not be deemed a Service Outage if the Cryptocurrency Mine is unavailable as a result of: (a) any act or omission of the CUSTOMER, their End Users, other CUSTOMERS within the miner hosting location, or their representatives, contractors, agents, authorized invitees, successors or assigns; (b) the failure or malfunction of non-COMPANY equipment or systems; (c) a Service Outage caused by scheduled maintenance or planned enhancements or upgrades to COMPANY's network; or (d) a Force Majeure Event. 

Article XIII – Schedule of Services Table 

1. Unless otherwise described in the service order, COMPANY agrees to provide miner hosting services in accordance with the following service table, regardless of location: 

a. Physical Space 

COMPANY to provide sufficient rack space at the location identified in CUSTOMER’s Service Order to house CUSTOMER’s mining equipment. 

b. Power 

COMPANY to provide power pursuant to CUSTOMER’s Service Order. 

c. Filtered Air 

COMPANY provides supply side intake air between 0 degrees Celsius (32 degrees Fahrenheit) and 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit). COMPANY facilities provide 125,000 CFM of filtered exterior air per MW of mining power deployed. In the event intake temperatures exceeds 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit), COMPANY reserves the right to force stop CUSTOMERS’ equipment to maintain the environmental integrity of the mine. Environmental force stops shall accrue interruption credits as described in Article XIII, ¶ 1, sub-¶. g of this Service Level Agreement Table of this Terms & Conditions document. 

d. Security 

COMPANY to provide access to CUSTOMERs equipment per CUSTOMER Service Order. 

COMPANY to provide camera monitoring on interior and exterior of the facility. 

e. Interconnect 

COMPANY to provide bandwidth per the CUSTOMER Service Order. 

f. Uptime – 99% 

Services will be available to CUSTOMER’s equipment continuously during the duration of CUSTOMER’s Service Order Term. COMPANY to provide services described in this table with a 99% uptime. COMPANY’s 99% Uptime guarantee is met if CUSTOMER experiences 7.2 hours or less of interruption to COMPANYs suite of services per month. 

g. Service Interruption 

Except in the event of unplanned customer maintenance (i.e., in each case, “Emergency Maintenance”), COMPANY shall provide Services detailed above at all times which support the Premises. A “Service Interruption” shall mean loss of any combination of services which prevent CUSTOMER’s use of equipment. A simultaneous and related Interruption of multiple Services shall be considered a single Interruption. 

h. Interruption Credits 

CUSTOMER will receive an “Interruption Credit” in each month where there is a Service Interruption. The interruption credit shall be equal to the percentage of downtime a CUSTOMER experiences in a month, after deducting 7.2 hours from the CUSTOMER’s total number of interrupted hours. Interruption Credits shall be CUSTOMER’s sole and exclusive remedy for Service Interruptions. 

i. Helping Hands 

In the event CUSTOMER requests COMPANY provide helping hands from on-site technicians, CUSTOMER shall be charged fees per the Service Order, which shall be due and owing on CUSTOMER’S next scheduled invoice. Failure to pay Helping Hand fees shall be considered “non-payment” for purposes of an event of default described in Article IV. 

j. Maintenance Window 

COMPANY shall use best efforts to schedule all normal maintenance so as to avoid downtime or Interruptions of the Services. If COMPANY must perform maintenance which will affect or cause Interruption of the Services, COMPANY and CUSTOMER agree to work in good faith to schedule and coordinate a maintenance window that will attempt to minimize the effects on CUSTOMER. 

Article XIV – Move Out 

1. No later than the expiration or earlier termination of a Service Term, CUSTOMER shall, at CUSTOMER's sole cost, promptly remove all Equipment from the Premises. CUSTOMER may request that COMPANY un-rack, re-pack, and ship CUSTOMER’s mining equipment to a location of CUSTOMER’s choosing. COMPANY will present CUSTOMER with an invoice charging ½ an hour of Helping Hands time per machine(s) returned to CUSTOMER. CUSTOMER must also provide COMPANY pre-paid shipping labels prior to shipping. COMPANY will not perform the decommissioning service for CUSTOMER until CUSTOMER pays the decommissioning invoice. All decommissioning performed by COMPANY will commence within 24 to 48 business hours of receipt of CUSTOMER’s paid invoice and shipping labels. 

Article XV – Disclaimer(s) 

1. COMPANY is an Iowa based LLC offering a subscription service suite of amenities for cryptocurrency and digital currency miners located throughout the United States. Those amenities are more fully described in Article XIII of this Terms and Conditions document incorporated in CUSTOMER’s service order. COMPANY, expressly denies and disclaims making any representations, warranties, promises, and/or assurances of any kind regarding its subscription service other than those expressly contained within the service order and the accompanying terms and conditions of service. COMPANY is not a security, or a security dealer. Customers own their own mining equipment, and 100% of their subsequent mining rewards, subject to the terms of these Terms and Conditions. 

2. COMPANY is not in control of, and has no direct influence over, the price of any digital or cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency assets sometimes experience extreme market volatility, and anyone interested in gaining exposure to this asset class should discuss the potential risks and benefits of investing in cryptocurrency mining with any legal, investment, or other professional consultants that CUSTOMER deems reasonable and prudent prior to gaining exposure to this new class of assets. COMPANY is not directly responsible for the day-to-day price of Bitcoin. CUSTOMERS assume all risks and liabilities inherent in mining for cryptocurrency or digital currency. CUSTOMER bears and assumes all risks, and is solely responsible for, the custody and storage of CUSTOMERS coins. COMPANY does not recommend or endorse any specific self-custody wallet or cryptocurrency exchange. 

3. CUSTOMER bears and assumes all risks, and is solely responsible for, the appropriate accounting and payment of taxation on CUSTOMERS’ cryptocurrency earnings. 

4. COMPANY recycles CUSTOMER’S shipping boxes after unpackaging because cardboard can be hazardous for the mining environment. 

5. COMPANY is an Iowa based LLC offering a subscription service suite of amenities for cryptocurrency and digital currency miners located across several properties across the United States. Those amenities are more fully described in Article XIII of this Terms and Conditions document incorporated in CUSTOMER’s service order. COMPANY, expressly denies and disclaims making any representations, warranties, promises, and/or assurances of any kind regarding its subscription service other than those expressly contained within the service order and the accompanying terms and conditions of service. 

6. COMPANY is not a security, or a security dealer. CUSTOMERS own their own mining equipment, and 100% of their subsequent mining rewards. CUSTOMER may cancel their service at any time, subject to Article III ¶ 3.