We'll Treat Your Money Like It's Our Own
By Tim Mandell and Crystal J. Milburn
I’ve said this before and you’ll hear me say it again: business is personal. When I hear the opposite (it’s not personal, it’s business) I cringe. That philosophy comes from companies that aren’t treating your money like it’s their own but, rather, deepening their own pockets (regardless of yours).
As we build out the crypto mining facility in Davenport, Iowa (10/10 do not recommend playing in the supply chain right now), I’ve had a few moments to reflect on how we can stand out in a relatively saturated and extremely competitive market.
One answer is to treat your money like it’s our own. In other words, keeping our costs low and doing for you what we’d want to be done for us. The golden rule is the easiest rule in life to understand but sometimes the hardest to follow (perhaps we’ll rename it the Bitcoin Golden rule).
How does this translate for you, the miner?
We’re advocates for you and want to see you succeed. Your success is our success and uptime is money so we do everything we can to keep you up, even in a crazy market. That’s how good companies are built!
We’re willing to pivot. For example, while the Davenport mining facility gets built out, we are actively looking at deployment options with available power because we have customers needing space now. This pivot would allow us to increase our speed to market and lessen our overall capital expenditure, which means fewer costs to pass on to you. If it’s not a win-win, then we move on to the next idea.
We’re already looking at how to build the next facility leaner and, as mentioned above, we’re always trying to reduce our capital expenditures while finding the cheapest power costs.
We don’t make any money on brokering miner deals but I’m still going to treat a complete stranger like I would my best friend if asked. We’re here to help!
We are privately held which means we don’t answer to anyone but you.
Do we need to make money? You already know the answer to that but we’re not going to compromise our relationship with you to gain profits and we’re not looking to grow our profits exponentially. Lasting relationships are more important and we’re in this for the long haul!